
Special Deals

The following tours and departure dates are on SALE. Get 12% discount when using the promotion code. Limited Seats. Hope to see you on Board.

Cost: 12% discount on selected tours

Use promotion code to get discount.

The Special Deal!




August  2024

Mon 19 Phillip Island Penguin Parade & Wildlife Park Tour D190824
Wed 21 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D210824
Fri 23 Rayner’s Orchard Tours 3 D230824
Sat 24 Mt Buller Day Tour D240824
Sun 25 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D250824
Fri 30 Phillip Island Penguin Parade & Wildlife Park Tour D300824

September 2024

Sun 01 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D010924
Sun 08 Phillip Island Penguin Parade & Wildlife Park Tour D080924
Mon 09 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D090924
Wed 11 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D110924
Wed 18 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D180924
Fri 20 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D200924
Mon 30 Mt Buller Day Tour D300924

October 2024

Wed 02 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D021024
Sun 06 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D061024
Sun 13 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D131024
Sun 27 One Day Great Ocean Road Tour D271024

November 2024

Fri 08 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D081124
Fri 22 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D221124
Sun 24 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D241124

December 2024

Wed 18 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D181224
Fri 20 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D201224
Fri 27 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D271224

January 2025 

Wed 01 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D010125
Mon 20 Ultimate 2 Day Great Ocean Road Tour D200125

February 2025 

Sun 02 One Day Great Ocean Road Tour D020225

March 2025 

Sun 09 Phillip Island Penguin Parade & Wildlife Park Tour D090325


What To Bring

  • Hat, sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Rain jacket (just in case)
  • Warm clothes (just in case)
  • Camera (spare battery and memory card – you will need it)
  • Phone charger and cable
  • Comfortable walking shoes

If the above deals don’t suite your travel arrangement, why not buy a gift voucher. Vouchers are valid for all tours for up to 2 years.

Cost: 12% discount on selected tours

Use promotion code to get discount.


GOR Adventure. This was an amazing 2 Day trip on the GOR with Around and About (Walter). You won’t regret going with Around and About.

Kathleen G Feb. 2020 Canton, Michigan


Great value trip. I really enjoyed this trip and thought it was very good value. Walter, our driver and guide, was friendly and informative. He was keen for us to avoid the crowds as far as possible, so this meant a couple of early starts, but it was worth it. I stayed in the youth hostel (a first) but it was clean and comfortable and more than adequate. We only had 5 on the trip so had plenty of room in the minibus. I would thoroughly recommend the trip.

Catherine B Feb. 2020


Wonderful Visit to Great Ocean Beach Road. The tour was really excellent. I would rate Walter exemplary and saw him going above and beyond. The personal touch in a small group can be experienced here and Walter made the program really interesting. I strongly recommend thus tour.

gouvila Jan. 2020